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Call from the Earth

Tess Burrows
Sep 30, 2021

Speaking at schools about climate change.

Inspiring youngsters - with 13 yr old Elsie's impending 600 mile cycle journey to Glasgow's COP26.

Blowing the conch shell - a clarion call from the Earth...

It's time to take action!

The kids are determined to play their part...

Will YOU heed the call?!?

For the next generation... their future is at stake...

Please support us by:-

1/ Making a Climate Action Pledge (see here)

2/ Sponsoring us via any of our three environmental charities (see here)

3/ Sending positive thoughts and prayers to our Earth and its climate. Tune in with us at midday on 31st Oct when we speak the Pledges out and fly them from the Tree of Hope in Glasgow.

For the next generation...

Latest Book Release

"Call of the Snow Dolphin" is available by emailing

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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