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Complete Nation Messages

Tess Burrows
Nov 4, 2016

We are excited that we now have a representative Peace Message from every country on Earth, plus a few extra. These will be spoken out from the summit crater of Kilimanjaro on 21st Sept, UN Peace Day. This is a symbolic focus on all nations coming together for peace:

TANZANIA: “We, the people of Taganyika, would like to light a candle and put it on the top of Mt Kilimanjaro, which would shine beyond our borders, giving hope where there was despair, love where there was hate, and dignity where before there was only humiliation” Julius Nyerere 1959. PHILLIP ASHBY

AFGHANISTAN: I promise to turn things off when I’m not using them.[to help the Earth] NOMAAN age 8

ALBANIA: May we keep animals safe. ADRIAN age 4

ALGERIA: Nous devons pendre soin de notre planete, que notre societe sat plus verte et eu paix pour enfante (We shall take care of our planet to make our society greener and peaceful for our children). HAKIMA

ANDORRA : I will keep the {World Peace Flame}candle with me and light from it as many candles as possible with love. SIMONA

ANGOLA: I wish all the nations peace and harmony and lots of love. RITA ROBERTS

ANTARCTICA: Love shine a light in every corner of the world… GAIUS

ANTIGUA & BARBUDA: Much love to all peoples of the world. ANTIGUA TOURIST AUTHORITY

ARGENTINA: Live every day like it’s your last, ‘cause one day you’re gonna be right. TOSCANA GARFUNKLE age 15

ARMENIA: Peace and Health to the world! ZEPYUR

AUSTRALIA: “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other” Mother Teresa. May we see only a peaceful, joy-filled world as we unite in love. JES SCHARBOW

AUSTRIA: Appreciate the luxury you are living in. GEORG

AZERBAIJAN: For many years Azerbaijan is under aggression. Mothers of war martyrs, war widows and orphans sat with the World Peace Flame, focusing on our own inner peace and on world peace. We honoured, by a minute of silence, victims of armed conflicts in our country and all over the world. A new peace network is founded. DR ELMIRA SULEYMANOVA

BAHAMAS: Forwards… upwards… onwards… together. FRANK DAVIS

BAHRAIN: I think that people need a constant reminder that peace is achievable in the little ways as well as in the big issues. CHRISTINE HASSAN

BANGLADESH: I wish for every-one to be friends. NUNZIBA AHMED age 10

BARBADOS: It is you who is weaving threads of gold into the tapestry of life. AARON HAYNES

BELARUS: I am grateful for the {World Peace Flame } candle. This does me credit to light it because I know that people in the whole world will do the same. AEHA.

BELGIUM: Lets work together and become one big unit in which we add to each other and celebrate our differences, enjoying the richness of each other’s culture. ERI OP DE BEECK

BELIZE: Honouring our history, celebrating our culture, uniting for peace. THE BELIZE PEOPLE who celebrate their 30 yr anniversary of independence on UN Peace Day this 21st Sept.

BENIN: Hello! Good Morning to Everyone! Peace to All!! CYRIAQUE

BHUTAN : May we be united in a single flame of hope. May peace prevail on earth. – CHIME WANGDI

BOLIVIA: Defendamos los Derechos de la Madre Tierra! (Defend Mother Earth’s Rights!). GABRIELA

BOSNIA: Love and light from Bosnia. Wishing peace, love, health and prosperity for all countries and their peoples. ANINA PEROUIC, TON, MARLIES AND KEVIN

BOTSWANA: Coming from Botswana which is one of the most peaceful countries in the world, peace and prosperity for all should definitely be the epitome for all governments. IRENE GOFAONE ROLAND

BRAZIL: I wish everything that was made from wood, (such as this paper), is only if they plant more trees than they cut down. KIERAN age 9

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM: We wish the entire world to be an abode of peace. THE BRUNEI PEOPLE

BULGARIA: I wish that the world is nice and spotless. VLADIMIRA age 5

BURKINA FASO: When we are united, we have much more force. We can exchange ideas and reach a much better consensus than we would on our own. AIGUERA ZAGRE

BURMA: “Use your liberty to promote those without “ Aung San Suu Kyi. THEINGI SAN

BURUNDI: I have a dream that one day my country can be a peaceful one . Could you help me in that goal? SYLDIE BIZIMANA

CAMBODIA: “The suffering of Cambodia has been deep. From this suffering comes great compassion. Great Compassion makes a peaceful heart. A peaceful heart makes a peaceful person. A peaceful person makes a peaceful family. A peaceful family makes a peaceful community. A peaceful community makes a peaceful nation. A peaceful nation makes a peaceful world. May all beings live in happiness and peace.”Venerable Maha Ghosananda. BOB MAAT, coalition for peace and reconciliation.

CAMEROON: All we need is Love. Love can overcome all boundaries. LIVE, LAUGH , LOVE. Peace. ROBERT SUNA

CANADA: S’ouvrir sur le monde! (May we open our hearts to the world!) JULIE DAUSCREAN

CAPE VERDE: Peace and love to all from the enchanting islands of Cape Verde. LOUISE THOMAS

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: We send greetings for peace, and wish unity, dignity and work for all people. Let us unite in the greatest love and work together for peace for all humanity. MARIO DEGONZALES

CHAD: La paix au Chad, envoyer en monde ( Peace from Chad is shared with the world). TATIANA TORMAL

CHILE : please receive from Chile: toda necestra energia Y amo para la evolucion de la humanidad en la busqueda de una communion pater – na y global. (all our energy and love in the search of a fraternal global communion for the evolution of all mankind). JUAN PABLO JR, José Pedro, Rosario, Carmen Gloria & JP

CHINA: I will play my part by planting more trees and looking after all the flowers. LING LING LIBAO age 10

COLUMBIA: I wish all the people in the world have food and drink whenever they want. FINN age 12

CONGO (DR): Arise world and make peace! MARIE

CONGO (R): Nous envoyons nos meilleurs sentiments de paix, de non-violence et de salut pour l’humanite entire (we send our best wishes for peace and non-violence, and greetings for the whole of humanity) SITA DUBOIS

COOK ISLANDS: Keep up the good work. Wishing you every success. JANET NICHOLLS

COMOROS ISLANDS May peace prevail in the world. Salama na Baraka upon you. (Peace and good luck upon you). AKBAR ALI SALEH

COSTA RICA: Costa Rica desires to share its immense love for nature and peace. We hope all the people learn to put Mother Earth interests before their own. Care and love all creatures as equals! LAURA SOTO PORTILLO

COTE D’IVOIRE: Réconciliation et Paix (Reconciliation and Peace) KANON (heartfelt following crisis)

CROATIA: Mir U Svijetu (Let there be Peace in the World) SIME BUBICIC

CUBA: Saludas! Enviar buenas vibraciones,amor des el pueblo de Cuba. (Cheers! Sending good vibes, love from the people of Cuba) ROBERT

CYPRUS: “Erini Emin!” (peace be with you!) NATASHA & JO

CZECH REPUBLIC: Please pray for President Vaclav Havel who has supported the Dalai Lama’s way of peace for many years. RICHARD

DENMARK: I pledge to plant a flower. AMELIA age 7

DJIBOUTI: Unité, Egalité et Paix (Unity, Equality and Peace) DAVID DALIER

DOMINICA: World of beauty, world of splendor. Let us care for nature’s beauty. JEANETTE CHARLES

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: From Pico Duarte, the Caribbean’s highest mountain, we send our most positive thoughts for peace. ARALIS

EAST TIMOR: I will say a little prayer for peace. LOUIE OLIVA

ECUADOR : We had a war between Ecuador and Peru but now we are in peace. I wish to continue this way for ever and ever. Stop killing other humans! No more! ALEX P ALVARADO

EGYPT: I wish that every animal is not in danger and Earth can live in Peace. ISLAM HEIDAR age 10

EL SALVADOR: Peace to all people of the world. BEATRICE ALFARO

ENGLAND : “People! Just be kind to each other.” JOANNA LUMLEY

ERITREA: I wish there were no litter or wars but more animals so we can live in a better environment. Let’s take care of our environment. NAWAL KHIYAR age 10

ESPERANTO: With universal responsibility, it becomes possible to support peace and non-violence. Where does peace begin if not in our hearts? The world is more than ever in need of peace. It is the responsibility of us all. GRAEME PANTING

ESTONIA: There will be lights of peace in Estonia on 21 September. MYRA & STEVE FORD

ETHIOPIA: Now is the day for the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship and rule of international morality. ELIZABETH HAILEMARIAN

EQUATORIAL GUINEA: Let us walk the peace-path. Everybody wants peace. BIRUK

FALKLAND ISLANDS: “They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Isaiah 2, the bible, REV’D DR RICHARD HINES

FIJI: Na totoka ni noda vei yatuyanuyanu me na vakavotukanataki ena totoka ni noda Vuravura.( May the beauty of our islands be reflected in the beauty of our Earth.) WAINIU

FINLAND: Rauhaa kaikille kansoille ja valtioille maailmassa. Rauha olkoon sydamessasi. Toivomme rauhaa ja sopusointua kaikkialle maailmaan. (Peace to all peoples and nations in the world. May there be peace in your heart. We wish peace and harmony everywhere in the world) SAMPO KOISTINEN age 29

FIRST NATION CANADA: To the wise ones, the elders who hold and keep bright the light of the one true tradition, no matter the color of their skin or the name of their religion – I honor you. And also to the generations who follow, that you may remember and honor those who have gone before you. May Great Spirit watch over all the people of the earth, May peace love and forgiveness follow for the new time to come. AHO!!! GRANDFATHER LITTLE CROW

FRANCE: Pour moi, la paix passé par le partage de tout ce qui est vital pour l’homme: L’eau; La foret; L’education; La mise en commun des recherché sur la santé etc; Respect, partout, des droits de l’homme. Et le devoir de s’assurer que nourrisse, s’instruise. La paix, pour moi, est aussi source de creation… permettre a chacun de s’expremer par la lecture, l’art, la musique. (For me, peace is about sharing everything which is vital for man: Water; Forests; Education; The pooling of research on health etc; Respect, everywhere, of human rights; And the duty to ensure that every one has work, food, shelter and instruction. Peace, for me, is also the source of creation… permission for everyone to express themselves by:- speaking, art, music…) GENEVIEVE BERNOUX

GABON: Peace from our land which expresses the beauty of Africa. MYRA

GAMBIA: A proverb from the Smiling Coast of Africa… “If there’s one donkey in the room, don’t make it two”… So smile! PAUL HAMMOND

GERMANY : “Let’s talk to each other. “ JO

GEORGIA: Strength is in unity. Mr DVALI

GHANA: I pray that all children in need will find peace and joy! And that every child will smile. I want every child to have an opportunity to be happy. YASMIN GLOVER age 12

GIBRALTA: The Rock of Gibraltar, one of the Pillars of Hercules, sends a message of love and peace to all its neighbours and citizens of the World. Let us unite as one family in creating a haven of peace for all our children around the world. ASTRA

GREECE: From the East, House of Light, may wisdom dawn in us so we may see all things in clarity. From the North, House of Night, may wisdom ripen in us so we may know all from within. From the West, House of Transformation, may wisdom be transformed into right action, so we may do what must be done. From the South, House of the Eternal Sun, may right action reap the harvest so we may enjoy the fruits of planetary being. From Above, House of Heaven, may star people and ancestors be with us now. From Below, House of Earth, may the heartbeat of her crystal core bless us with harmonies to end all war. From the Centre, Galactic Source, which is everywhere at once, may everything be known as the light of mutual love. Oh Yum Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho! Oh mother source –the harmony of mind and nature. PHILIP ANDREWS

GREENLAND: The Greenland air is clean, cold and crisp to breath, colours are extremely vivid, our guests who visit are completely inspired and this simply restores your faith in this world because you see the world for what it should be…… a peaceful place. GRAHAM

GRENADA: Country of my birth, beautiful jewel of greens, blues and sunshine, I offer you this humble prayer for peace; that your beauty, simplicity and peace may continue to be felt and appreciated by your people; that they may cherish and nurture what they have been given in nature, and by a bountiful God. That they may continue to live in peace and harmony with each other with all life forms within nature, and the land itself. L. ADAMS

GUATEMALA: I want that all countries of the world have peace and love, and the whole of the people have water and food, and no longer wars any more. JOSE LUNA

GUINEA: I welcome from my heart all people to our beautiful land. Ah! It is beautiful… PEPE

GUINEA-BISSAU: Wishing you success in your project. JAN VAN MAANEN

GUYANA: I will respect the world like I respect my parents, sisters, brother and myself. EDWIN OGBU 9

HAITI: From the Mission of Haiti we send greetings to our brothers and sisters in Africa, and best wishes to the world for peace, security, development, education and care of children. We love you! NICOLE ROMULUS

HAWAI’I: Aloha… Mahalo nui’ loa (Love and Thankfullness). APRIL WHITE CLOUD

HERZEGOVINA : I will educate more people in my country on recycling. AMRA BUKVIC

HOLLAND: May the Light open everybody’s heart to share love and compassion with each other. PETER NOORDERMEER

HONDURAS: Honduras, as a founding member of the United Nations, wishes to express its solidarity and pledge with world peace. A peace based on democracy, respect for Human Rights and fundamentally the dignity of human beings. Our people have the duty to reach their levels of progress based on a human coexistence of respect, equality and tolerance in every aspect of daily life. Only with the promise of a fair and egalitarian society can we reach the peace we long for in our world. We reaffirm our pledge to peace not only as means to an absence of war but moreover as a peace based on education and the integral development of our society. Peace for everyone and everyone for peace. Declaration by: HE MR. IVAN ROMERO-MARTINEZ , Ambassador of Honduras to the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

HONGKONG: The Pearl of the Orient. Let the wisdom and the wealth of the Orient be shared throughout the world, that peace and harmony may touch all humanity. MAY & ANN TANG

HUNGARY: Bekes vilagot minden nemzetnek. (Let us build a just and peaceful world) J.DOMJAN

ICELAND: Let us treat strangers like they are part of our family. To protect and defend those who cannot defend themselves. To love our planet and all who is in it, no matter what color, race, religion or age . ELIAS, GAENOR & FAMILY

INDIA: I pray people will see in each other what they have in common, not what is different. MONICA SPYSZNYK

INDONESIA: May all human beings live in peace and harmony, sharing and caring. ERYS

INUIT: Let all people of the world work together as a team. CHILDREN, age 9, from QARMARTALIK SCHOOL, RESOLUTE.

IRAN: Dear God, I wish that you save the Bahai’s in Iran. Oh God, guide me, protect me, illumine the lamp of my heart. And make me a brilliant star. Thou art the Mighty and powerful. MONA ZAPAR age 15

IRAQ : Please give particular thought to the world’s oppressed people who are in need of true and real peace. Also give special thought to those people who are suffering from man-made disaster and oppression in the name of international and national institutions… People of Cuba, Sudan and Iraq are suffering from human imposed sanctions and the target is the people. Such people need to have true and real peace of mind so they can enjoy proper development. People in the Third World Nations are in quest for real and true peace. N. BOSSOONDYAL

IRELAND: I hope that everyone in the world finds a great team to help them live their dreams! MARK POLLOCK (Physically blind)

ISRAEL: Everything is possible. Say out loud ‘Shalom!’ to the world. URI GELLER

ITALY: We must ensure that our presence on this earth is beneficial to others. Remember, while living, that we are all guests on this earth – we came with nothing and will leave with nothing. Therefore let us live life to its fullest in full respect, peace and harmony with all living beings and let us expand our vision of unity beyond our four walls. ROSANNA

JAMAICA: I pray that everyone in the world will work together to make it a better place. GLACIA ROSS age 10

JAPAN: Everyone of the world! We are one family. NORIKO

JORDON: We wish for everyone in the world to have health and wealth, to drink clean water, and to be able to walk the streets safely. MAN ZOHAIR

KAZAHKSTAN: People! Try to be wise and live in Peace! Be tolerant and kind! Enjoy life, laugh and love. Try to be helpful for your community!” KALAMKAS TULESHOVA

KENYA: I wish the world could be a happy place for everyone and I wish that everyone is happy where they are. MAIA HOOPER age 7.

KIRIBATI: On behalf of the people of Kiribati I would like to say Greetings and peace to you all. The people of Kiribati are one of the world’s most peace loving island nations on this planet of ours but their total existence is on the brink of disappearing due to increases in world pollution which is causing the ice caps to melt, the sea level to increase and the islands to become flooded and disappearing beneath the crests of the mighty Pacific Ocean. Please help to stop the pollution and help to preserve and protect these beautiful pristine islands and its peace loving people. “Te Mauri, Te Raoi Au Te Tabamaua” (We wish you all Peace, Happiness and Prosperity). GARY DOVYDAITIS

KOREA (NORTH): Greetings from the Korean National Peace Committee! I hope that we can contact and co-operate each other for the world peace and justice. Yours in peace, MR. YU KYONG IL

KOREA (SOUTH): I would like to see the United Korea during my lifetime. HYUN CHIANG

KOSOVO: I stopped the truck a few hundred yards past a mass grave and we lit a World Peace Flame candle and sat quietly for a while. FRANK

KUWAIT: Peace is the Foundation of all Human Potential. RASHA

KYRGYZSTAN: Life! Like driving a bicycle. To keep your balance you must move. TAALAY

LAOS: May the peacefulness of Laos touch the rest of the world. EMILY CLARKE

LATVIA: Shalom to all living beings, especially those on Kilimanjaro! KATRINA, LAURA & ANDA KASPARS

LEBANON: We Hope things get solved in all Middle-Eastern countries, especially Syria and Lebanon, as with a more peaceful atmosphere we could all enjoy living our lives happily and building a better future for ourselves and our families. SIRANE

LESOTHO: Peace, rain and prosperity for all. CONSULAR MOHAPI

LIBERIA: In union strong, success is sure. MORRIS BARSEE

LIBYA: Democracy in the Middle East is not impossible… MOHAMED ALARBI

LIECHTENSTEIN: Peaceful greetings to all the world from Liechtenstein, which manages to live peacefully without an army! CHRISTIAN BLANK

LITHUANIA: I promise to not waste water. LIUKA age 6 .

LUXEMBOURG: Fridden A Freed Fir Jiddereen (Peace and joy to everybody). DORY DUNKEL

MACEDONIA: I wish everybody could be eco-friendly and care for all animals and Earth, and we can be in Peace. MILLA age 10

MADAGASCAR: Keep the peace and friendship bond. Mr AVANDRIA

MALAWI : We lit the {World Peace Flame}candle and my family members were interested. I explained to them the meaning of lighting the candle for Peace. One of my neighbours admired this and did the same at his house… . THOMAS CHIRAMBO

MALAYSIA: I wish for freedom… in mind, in heart and in soul… to all those in the world! ISABEL TAYE

MALDIVES: Gunam has been doing yoga since the age of 9 taught by his grandfather who lived until 96!! His dream is to teach yoga to children but at present he works to support his mother and sisters as a cook in the holiday resort. He never misses his yoga and meditation and it would be lovely to see his dream materialize. VERA

MALI: Trees are important to me because they are in the heart of my life. They provide us with food, energy through firewood, medicine, shade and daily tools. BAKARY DEOGA , age 55.

MALTA: May the breeze of love flow through the trees and across the ocean to envelop the world and create peace and goodwill among all. DEE ENDRICH

MARSHALL ISLANDS: Accomplishment through joint effort.(DONNA)

MAURITANIA : I will light a Peace flame in Mauritania. I will do all my efforts. MOURAD ELKADDIRI

MAURITIUS: During my visit to Scotland I promise to put down a piece of corrugated iron to provide a shelter for adders, an endangered snake. MAHESH age 10

MEMON ETHNIC GROUP: I wish that people understand everybody and stay calm when there is a problem. MUHAMMAD GOFFAR age 10

MEXICO: We will teach our child to care for the world and the people in it. RACHEL & ISRAEL DE LA CRUZ


MOLDOVA: Peace and harmony from Moldova. ZITALIA

MONACO: Be Green! Through trying to repair some of the damage we have done to our sacred Earth hopefully we can find peace. KATHARINE

MONGOLIA: From the open spaces of Mongolia we send peace and freedom to all people. BULGAA ALTANGEREL

MONTENEGRO: Da nam sve zore budu svijetle!(May All Our Dawns Be Bright!)& “Imagine all the People Living Life in Peace…”John Lennon. MARIJANA ZIVKOVIC

MOROCCO: I will help grown-ups and children. TAMZIN age 5

MOZAMBIQUE: Our Earth is the ‘Beloved Homeland’ for each and every one of us. Mr HIOANE

NAMIBIA: From the land of the brave, we share our spirit with the world! KANAKI

NATIVE AMERICAN: O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you; to your messengers, the four winds, and to Mother Earth who provides for your children. Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect, and to be kind to each other, so that they may grow with peace of mind. Let us learn to share all good things that you provide for us on this Earth. WHITE EAGLE

NAURU: Peace, love and hope for all nations. LEAH, Mission of Nauru

NEPAL: Tashi delek, peace, love and prosperity from our country Nepal. Lots of prayers. Namaste. BASANT

NEW ZEALAND: I wish that there were no bullies in the world. Age 13

NICARAGUA: Lor Nicas noz senbimur ligador a este lugar de nusetroz origenes (We Nicaraguans feel linked to this place where our origins are). MANUEL

NIGER: We need every effort for peace. God Bless. MASSABA

NIGERIA: I wish Nigeria was safe for everybody, so they cannot be dead. JOYCE age 6

NORTHERN IRELAND: If we can do it so can you! PATRICK STEWART

NORWAY: I hope we all could try to take better care of the environment so the Earth can take care of us for many years to come. STIAN

OMAN: I wish for peace for the Sultan of Oman and that the water in the mountains of Oman keeps on flowing. My wish is for humans and nature to prosper side by side. FAUZIAH & DIANA GALBRAITH

PAKISTAN: I wish for a world that has peace; no fighting or hurting each other. MASOOMA age 9

PALAU: We send you a message of peace and hope for the world. JAPANESE OVERSEAS VOLUNTEERS, PALAU.

PALESTINE: We will ask for peace from now till forever… it means living peacefully … it means no more blood, no more violence, nor more new orphans, and widows…Although there are lots of challenges, there is still hope to live in peace one day. HEBA ZAQOUT.(Peace will surely come through hope and determination. MM.)

PANAMA: Let there be peace in every heart, family, community and nation in the world. JACQUELINE SOUTER

PAPUA & NEW GUINEA: I am from the land of Papua & New Guinea which is diversified in the cultures of our traditions, giving us strength. “There is Unity in Diversity”. We wish to extend best wishes to the world. JOHN BALAVU, acting High Commissioner.

PARAGUAY: From the heart of South America we send peace to the heart of the world. LEILA

PERU: The World Peace Flame shines from an island in the middle of Lake Titicaca – the worlds highest lake. KIM DAVIS

PHILIPINES: May the warm hospitality of our country be experienced by all nations. MARY MUR

POLAND : I wish all the children in the world would not suffer anymore; and I wish that everyone would be more positive about things and I wish I was more smiley. PATRYGIA WISLOWATY age 15

PORTUGAL: Amor ao planeta e tudo que ele catey so assim e gue o mundo pode girar pada senpre (Love the planet and all living creatures so that it can continue to turn forever). ANDRE

QATAR: People should want peace. MISHEL ALANSARI

REUNION: Merci pour m’avoir fait participer, moi et mes amis de l’Ile de la Reunion pour la flame eternelle de paix dans le monde (Thank you for letting us participate, my friends and I from the Island of Reunion with the World Peace Flame). AMITIES DE MONIQUE

ROMANIA: Be a friend for the others, but do not forget to be your own friend. LIVIU TOMA

RUSSIA: For peace to happen we must learn to walk the Earth together. ZANK RICHMON age 13

RWANDA: God visits the earth and rests in Rwanda , it’s a new Dawn in Rwanda, we own our Peace. BRENDA NYAKIRA

ST KITTS AND NEVIS: In times of struggle and strife, we wish strength; when souls become lost, we wish direction for an island so rich in pride and so close to our hearts; for a place that raised our ancestors so that we could make a start. St Kitts, we owe you our all; we send peace and love to the island and all of its children – from a proud son and daughter. MICHAEL WILSON AND LEAH PEMBERTON

ST LUCIA: Dear God, please bring peace to all hearts, and harmony and balance to all things upon this beautiful island, brought about by the will of all people. Amen LYNDA

ST VINCENT & THE GRENADINES: From ‘the land of the blessed’ we send blessings of peace to the world. FYLMA

SAMOA: On the 21st so we are going to have a little moment of silence for peace. PESETA FRED SCHMIDT

SAN MARINO: From the Serene Republic of San Marino we send serenity to all beings. RICHARD O’TOOLE

SAO TOME & PRINCIPE: Paz para todo mundo! (Peace to the whole world!) DIDIER BRANCO

SAUDI ARABIA: I wish and pray for peace for all the world, and that one day we will all be united. ABEER

SCOTLAND: Sacredness guide us. Sacredness flow through us all. DOREEN COCAWOLL

SENEGAL: I give you the small light, pour la celebration de la journee international de la paix (to celebrate the international journey of peace.) BAKAR NDAO

SIERRA LEONE: I am sending this message from my country, Sierra Leone to the rest of the world. I pray that God, God of peace, continues to bring peace on us all. YEAMA

SERBIA: Svim ljudima sveta mir, srecu iprosperitet zeli narod Srbije (The people of Serbia wish peace, happiness and prosperity to all peoples of the world). BILJANA KOSTIC

SEYCHELLES : May we take this opportunity to wish you success in your endeavours to make a difference in this world. BISHOP BARONNET

SINGAPORE: Peace is not something you wish for. It’s something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away. MARINNA MASJUDI

SLOVAKIA: Mother nature has got everything we’re looking for – love, stability, health, happiness… Get connected with her and we will be content and at peace. ELISKA

SLOVENIA: Mir Vsemvsem Ljudem Na Zemlji! (Peace to all people on Earth!) MATEJA


SOMALIA: I want to help the tigers. SHOAIB age 4

SOUTH AFRICA: Respect all living things and the Earth for the benefit of all future generations. HYLTON JAMES

SPAIN: Believe! ALEXA MARTIN age 12

SRI LANKA: I wish everyone can eat food. LUXANAN age 4

SUDAN & SOUTH SUDAN: The World Peace Flame is lit in Khartoum. MARTIN STAUNTON

SURINAME: I wish you a lot of success with the project. with love and light. MARLIES

SWAZILAND: We wish peace, health and prosperity to all people. SWAZILAND HIGH COMMISSION

SWEDEN : “May there be peace between all beings, everywhere on Earth.” ANNA FALDT

SWITZERLAND: Respecting each other is most important. Use your own thoughts and judgements following your heart’s way to make this a better place for all of us. Let love rule! MISCHA DETTUILER

SYRIA: It doesn’t matter which religion you believe in. Everybody believes in something else. It doesn’t matter whether you are Christian, Moslem, Jew, Buddhist or someone other; we should all respect each other, because a human being is a human being. It doesn’t matter which faith he or she has. MAHMOUD ASLAN

TAIWAN: Smile, be kind and considerate – a little warm gesture from everyone gives the world more hope. NYSSA MARSDEN

TAJIKISTAN: We send peace and prosperity to all nations. JONIBEK HIKMTOV

THAILAND: Dream for peace. Peace made the world beautiful. We want peace for the entire world. Keep peace always. Santi. SUTTICHAI SE UPPARA

TIBET: I wish for nothing else but peace, love and understanding. No hatred in the name of race, religion or culture. May all living beings be free from suffering. KUNSANG LHAMO

TOGO : Dans les situations difficiles que vous vivez, les rayons de lumiere ne manquent pas – le Seigneur ne vous a pas abandonnes. La bougie a brule devant la Sainte Vierge, en priant pour la paix. (in difficult life situations there are rays of light. The Lord does not abandon you. The candle burns with the Blessed Virgin, praying for peace) ARCHBISHOP PHILIPPE FANOKO KPODZRO.

TONGA: From the Friendly Islands we extend friendship to all people. Dr SIONE KIOH

TRINIDAD: I wish there are no more wars. ROMANEE age 5

TUNISIA: We send love from the beauty of Tunisia and the warmth of our people. SAMI TOUNSI

TURKEY: My Peace Message is for my family to be happy. And everyone smiling. DANIEL age 10.

TURKMENISTAN: From sunny Turkmenistan we send warmth and peace to the world. BIYRAM

TUVALU: From our small beautiful island home we send much joy and peace to the world. Dr IFTIKHAR AYAZ OBE, who climbed Kilimanjaro in 1956.

UGANDA: “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr. My one wish for this world is for people to love one another because Love conquers all things. DOREEN NASIMBWA

UKRAINE: I wish that our world could be a better place. ANASTASIYA KAPLUN age 13

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: “Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in recognition” (Alexander Smith). Love in its many forms, from simple friendship to deep connection is often started with the most unlikely bond, a common thread no matter how small. Maybe as humans we all need to try a little harder to search for that common bond of kindness and understanding for there to be greater peace on this Earth. SAMANTHA AMAI

URUGUAY: As a founder member of the United Nations, Uruguay is pleased to send peace and best wishes to the world. We are respectful of peace and international relations. JULIO MOREIRA

USA: I wish that the endangered animals could stop being hunted, especially dolphins. ARIANNE BARNETT age 10

UZBEKISTAN: Let us all care for the world’s precious water resources. FAHRIDDIN

VANUATU: Best wishes from the island of Efate in the archipelago of Vanuatu,. BISHOP MICHEL VISI

VENEZUELA : All that glitters IS gold. GUY MARTIN

VIETNAM: I will look after the world. EMMA age 4

WALES: Boyd Heddwch Ledled Yr Beed (let there be peace across the world). MAGGIE COLES

WESTERN SAHARA: Our de-miners have the {World Peace Flame} candle as a token of our peaceful work in cleaning the land of anti-personnel mines and other lethal devices, and we want to embrace the candle and send this message of peace to the world. Dr SIDI OMAR on behalf of all Western Sahara’s indigenous peoples

YEMEN: I wish freedom of choice and world peace. AMERA

ZAMBIA: I would like to see every child have enough food and basic needs WOMBA LUWAYA.

ZIMBABWE: Hopefully the South Pole won’t melt any time soon. DANE CUHNOW age 14

... all nations coming together for peace

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