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Global Climate Strike

Sep 23, 2019

It was exciting to be at the Global Climate Strike on 20th Sept - to be one of 4 million people taking part in thousands of towns in 150 countries! Along with the support of millions more... Standing up for the future of our planet. Calling for a quicker end to fossil fuels. Highlighting the urgent need for massive world-wide action. Offering respect for our Earth. THIS IS PULLING THE WORLD TOGETHER!!!!

The movement, inspired by 16 yr old Greta Thunberg from Sweden, is spearheaded by the youth of the world. It's the young people who are standing up! How brave!  It's helping a wonderful transformation to take place - away from profit, greed and power, and towards our children's future. We're at last moving towards thinking about the greater good.  

I found the Petersfield market town gathering very moving. There were dozens of children from local schools holding placards they'd made and expressing their concerns. Many spoke fervently of their hopes and worries....The crowd of children sat in the main high street blocking the road for 7 minutes. Then they marched around the town before setting off alarms on their phones and clocks or blowing the conch horn - a symbol of awakening.  A little 5 yr old girl whooshed past on a scooter singing "Solution not pollution..."

This day leads up to the United Nations Climate Summit in New York this week. May the passion of the youth of the world galvanise our leaders to the decisions that need to be made.

The world is waking up!

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