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Milestones for Peace

Tess Burrows
Oct 6, 2023

Today, I cycled with my biking buddies, Ollie and Annie, to the Dragonstones near Hascombe, Surrey on our annual peace ride. Along the way we tackled the narrow muddy trails overgrown with brambles and nettles, uphill and downdale, representing well the many challenges we all face in our lives.

At the beautiful circle of standing stones we found harmony.

The circle was created at the end of the last century, along the lines of ancient henges, with 18 stones, each weighing 9 tons, from the Isle of Portland, built using only people power, wooden posts and logs. It holds a special energy of purposeful peace.

We added to the Peace energy with a little ceremony. And were delighted to be joined by a couple from a younger generation who shared their lovely understanding of taking responsibility for the world with positive intentions.

We lit the World Peace Flame and chanted the powerful Hawaiian prayer of HO'OPONOPONO - an ancient practice, very relevant in todays world:-





Long used by the Hawaiians in reconciliation and healing, it is simple but profound. And sends positive solutions, not only within oneself, but in relationships between individuals and between nations - restoring harmony.

May we all feel the benefits of HO'OPONOPONO.

With warm thanks to Ollie and Annie for photos

And to Ollie for his beautiful Peace Message of renewal:-

Angels and higher vibration beings, please help mother earth and its people, animals and trees as we move through the great awakening into the Golden Age.

Help us let go of the past as we look to the future, but live in the present - the gift of now.

We ask that you Protect all the children and keep them safe and surround them with loving arms of Parents, Angels, Rescuers or Carers.

Help us learn to love and protect our environment, the land, the sky, the rivers and seas as we embrace new technologies that have been hidden from us - to use them wisely to gently clean and cleanse the whole of our blessed planet inside and out and to use these technologies only for the good and for the highest vibration of all living beings.

And on this day we remember the beautiful 300 yr old Sycamore Gap tree, that stood in a dip between two hills by Hadrians wall, but that was so sadly felled only a few days ago, very early in the morning of the 28th of September by someone professional, but who?. This beautiful tree was loved by many and they say was the most famous and most photographed and loved tree certainly in the UK, if not the World. People came from all over to see it and love it and feel joy with this tree. Some to propose by it, some to scatter loved ones under it and some to capture it standing majestically against the night sky with shooting stars or the northern lights.

But this tree is special as it’s a Sycamore tree and can not be killed by felling alone, and by next spring this healthy stump should produce shoots that could well be taller than me. So as we grieve the loss of our old tree, may we nurture one of these shoots into an equally wonderful tree. And may the Sycamore Gap tree that we have so loved be a symbol for all trees - from saplings to the oldest ancient trees and forests - that ALL trees need to be loved and nurtured equally and that all trees are sacred. So as we move into the Golden Age and wake up to new ideas and new ways of being and learn secrets of old - both hidden and known, may we learn to love ourselves, each other and find peace in all areas of our lives... Namaste 🙏


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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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