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Pedalling For A Bright Future

Tess Burrows
Jul 19, 2021



Humanity is at a crossroads. We can either carry on "business as usual" focussing on making money for an elite few, or we can see a bigger picture of loving respect for all beings on Earth. If we take the former road then the Climate Crisis will ensure that our world rapidly becomes uninhabitable. If we take the latter and make urgent changes to bring our climate back into balance then there will be a bright future for our children and grandchildren.


I have great hope that we will have a positive outcome... If enough people make a difference.

This is a request for you to detail a contribution. Please write a Climate Action Pledge here. (or email direct to

We, the PEDALLING FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE team, commit to carry all Pledges by bicycle to COP 26, the autumn United Nations Climate Summit in Glasgow, to present to the UN Secretary General. The intention is to hearten world leaders in their difficult decisions to combat Climate Change. And to support the aim of uniting the world to tackle this crisis.

PEDALLING FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE is a team of three: Myself, a 73 yr old slow-on-mountain-bike Granny; My great friend Rima, a fit eco-warrior; And my grand-daughter Elsie, a 13 yr old child. Between us we hope to inspire journeying without the use of fossil fuels.

Our journey to Glasgow of 600 miles along trails and small roads, weighed down with camping kit, is expected to take at least 3 weeks. We plan to talk at schools and investigate interesting methods of reducing carbon emissions along the way.

Please support us by making your Climate Action Pledge here.

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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