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School Children Pledges

Tess Burrows
Aug 21, 2018

I was pleased and honoured to speak to children (aged 10 -13) at Cheam School in Hampshire about making a difference for Peace and for the Environment, aided by peace penguins, conch shell, Tibetan horn and Maasai warrior stick. The youngsters wrote Peace Messages and stood up to express them declaring "I'm a Peace Warrior..." I was moved by their beautiful sentiments and sense of responsibility:-

I promise to help protect all endangered animals.. Violence is not the answer” FLORENCE HORSEY age13

“I wish that all children in poorer countries than ours have access to food and water and shelter… and I will plant a tree and try to convince others to do so too, to help the environment” MAX age 13

“My message is… May all the children in this world have education. I will become a teacher and teach other children to read and write in lots of countries.” INDIA B age 10

“I promise to care for the environment.” THOMAS STARES age 9 (10 months, 10 days)

“I will help communities to stop using plastic cups and refill water bottles instead. I wish that every person does their bit and donates to a charity at least once in their life and plants at least three trees to save forests!” HARRIET ALLEN-ELLIS age 11

“I will give money to the poor people.” RORY PREST age 10

“I wish that there will be no more wars.” GEORGE MONET age 10

“I will make a difference to the amount of plastic in the sea. Also to save coral reefs and undiscovered spishies.” DAISY VINCENT age 11

“Some people are like an unlit fire. Be the person to light their fire. ‘I will’ is a powerful phrase. You will go far if you make a change.” JONNO age 11


I was also asked to adjudicate the finals of their speaking competition - exceptional talks, fun and life-affirming, won by a young lady who inspired me to "feel" the most.

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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