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Snow Dolphin is here!

Tess Burrows
Jul 25, 2024

I'm super excited to now have copies of my book no 6 - "Call of the Snow Dolphin". - (There're two thousand of them in my cottage hallway, waiting for good homes!!)

The writing is fiction for youngsters age 8/9 upwards, though also much enjoyed as light adult reading- The story of a boy who runs up the worlds tallest mountain (In Hawaii!) on a race against kids from around the world. The boy is guided by dolphins as he faces the challenges of his adventure. And learns to stand tall within himself.

It tells of dolphin wisdom, natural magic and kids going beyond what is thought possible, as they make a difference for the planet, bringing in a bright peaceful future. It speaks to us all to be positive and hopeful.

"Call of the Snow Dolphin" is based on my run up the worlds tallest mountain on our Pacific Peace Climb in 2003,  finally honouring the promise I made then to speak for the dolphins.

Proceeds from the book will go towards helping dolphins.

I am forever grateful to my wonderful publisher, Dan Hiscocks, who has brought out all six of my titles and enabled this book to be sent into the world just at the time when peace, positivity and hope are needed.

Dan set up EyeBooks (now with fiction imprint Lightning Books) nearly thirty years ago with the aim of highlighting inspirational travel, uplifting readers to follow beyond their day-to-day thoughts towards extraordinary achievements. Thank you Dan. Your big heart with its loving dedication is a gift for the world!

Do take a look and have a reader's spree on

Also I am so lucky to have worked with EyeBook's lovely editor Clio Mitchell who skilfully guided "Call of the Snow Dolphin" to its state of beauty; Along with my 15 yr old granddaughter Elsie managing to draw all the superb illustrations among GCSE pressure. We worked together to produce something greater than the sum total of the parts. Huge thanks to all who were part of the creation!

Stand Tall like a mountain

Please note: copies of "Call of the Snow Dolphin" are currently available by emailing (not yet via the website)

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"Call of the Snow Dolphin" is available by emailing

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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