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Who wants to Change the World?

Tess Burrows
Oct 31, 2019

"Thank you for the inspiring and amusing talk -You have such a lovely manner with the children." Simon Kingsley-Pallant, Dunhurst School

I was delighted to speak to enthusiastic and pro-active youngsters at Dunhurst School, Petersfield, Hampshire. They were enthralled by the adventures of Peace Penguins making a difference. And determined to change the world themselves.

They wrote life-changing individual pledges with soft courage - The courage that gets on with what needs to be done, through all difficulties, standing up for what the heart believes to be right, in a way that doesn't hurt anyone else:-

"I will become beef-free to help the planet and slow down beef production" EVIE

"I will support a charity and give money for the snow leopards" LILY

"I will plant an oak tree" PAIGE

"I would like peace because then there will be no wars and no-one will be harmed, especially the less fortunate" LYRA

"I want to save the whales" ANNIE

"I want everyone to be happy in their own way, whether that's having food or going to school or anything else" BROOKE

"I will smile and save the turtles" OSCAR

"I will always switch off the lights and taps" JEMIMA

"I will save the animals" HERMIONE

"I will aways be grateful and save the planet" MILLIE

"I am going to raise money to save the turtles" MJ

"I will stop factory fires and keep the sky blue" ORSON

"I will write to Waitrose to say 'please cut down on the plastic packaging because it kills our earth'" JAZZY

"I want to help cheetahs because they're getting poisoned" GEORGE

"Peace is the mission" SAUL

"A note of motivation and kindness about some-one can extremely impact a person's day" MILLY

"I will stop using palm oil" WILL

"I will ride my bike to the village shop" GW

"I am going to plant a tree" GEORGIE

"I want to save all the animals that are endangered" NAOMI

"I will have an infectious smile" MARLIE

"I will try to be as plastic-free as possible" EMILY

"I promise I will walk to school with Matilda soon" ORMATTIE

"I will start a website with William for charity where each season we do something different" ELLIE

"I will try and get the school to use sustainable palm oil" MIRANDA

The Power of Soft Courage!

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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